*(a site for all the parts of me I like to share with my friends!)
When I started this adventure, I knew there was a lot involved, but I did not see us getting to this point so soon. However, with new challenges, come new opportunities. Life is always going to be a series of mountains to climb, doors to open, and rollercoasters to ride. You can get defeated and give up, or you can choose to dig in harder, and use it as a time to grow and innovate.
Alas, here I am! Learning to innovate and challenging myself more each day. I am happiest when I'm creating, designing, and learning new things. Luckily for me it's been as much as joy as a challenge. Now to keep up with content for all the things, and then more! Time will always be a luxury with family life, and while I thrive in chaos, I have had to learn to embrace times of rest as well. Balance, I think is what they call it.
So on top of thePearlArtist.com and the oyster shucking lives, we are going to add in our new advice lives and videos known as:
I hope that all of you are able to join in on the fun and relax some! After all our new catch phrase is: